
MoneySuperMarket is one of the UK’s leading price comparison websites. Our programme currently focuses on our Insurance & Utilities channels, paying commission when a visitor completes the user journey and clicks out to one of our partner websites.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

1 Days


MoneySupermarket Energy Affiliate Programme

About MoneySuperMarket

MoneySuperMarket gives you lots of clever ways to save a lot, by doing very little.

  • Compare and save on over 40 products.
  • We compare over 55 of the biggest insurance providers in the country.
  • Unlike some of our competitors, MoneySuperMarket is not owned by an insurance company. We're 100% independent, working only for our customers.
  • We’re on your side – that’s why we use our own money to provide cheaper prices on a range of policies, so you can save even more.

Helping you stay on top of your money!


Why Work With Us?

  • Great opportunity to partner with one of the UK's most popular price comparison websites.
  • MoneySuperMarket is a well-recognised brand in insurance.
  • Your customers will be able to take advantage of our relationship with leading insurance brands in the UK, helping them save both time and money.
  • Signing up is free of charge.
  • A broad range of products to promote.
  • Competitive commissions


Publisher pack

As you probably already know, our mission is helping households to save money by designing the channels, communications and content to provide transparent and informative products that allow our customers and users to make informed choices.

With this in mind, you'll be able to find our publisher pack in the 'documents' section of this platform, next to the profile overview. This package contains all the information you need about the products that we promote through the affiliate channel; the commission structure that we have in place by publisher type and product. You will also find further information about the tracking, the pre-approved copy and creatives that you're allowed to promote the brand on our behalf and other T&C's.


Tracking and deep-linking requirements  IMPORTANT!!!!!!

We work with three type different types of tracking links:

1.Links for Non-incentive based affiliates (Generic links): We have a set of generic links for each product channel (Car insurance, Home insurance, Energy, etc.) listed in Awin’s UI and on the slide 14 of this pack. If your website is not an incentive based website (cashback, voucher site, etc.), then you need to use these links. (Please  remember to replace !!!id!!! with your publisher ID)

Energy Link!!!id!!!&

We will be unable to validate clicks to partners and pay commission on transactions that are not tracked appropriately. You must use the links provided and replace !!!id!!! with your publisher ID.

2.Links for Incentive based affiliates (Bespoke links):

If you are an incentive site, please contact us at and to request your click appends to be updated. This is because we generate a custom source code internally, which is added to the click appends of your publisher ID for them to be appended to the tracking links.

Once your click appends are updated, we’ll send you an email to confirm that you can go ahead and create the tracking links in the Awin UI using the link builder tool. Then you can either use the generic links listed on page 15, or create the tracking links in the Awin UI using the link builder tool, but you must test the link before activating the campaign to ensure the click appends are active on your account and pass through all the parameters specified on slide 16 of this pack.

Building Your Own Links in Awin’s Deeplink Builder

You can pass additional information about the journey in the click reference parameter. However, just make sure not to select the click_ref1 because this could disturb the click appends we mentioned above. You must use the ones marked in red in the below screenshot.

Please do not add a click parameter in Click_Ref1 when using the deeplink builder.

3.Links for affiliates promoting the Gift campaign for Car Insurance:

•This Gift card is available upon request. Please send us an email at ​if you would like to promote the gift card.

•MoneySuperMarket will supply a bespoke tracking link for you to append to your offer.

•This tracking link will refer the user to an interstitial page with the Gift campaign. Example:


Commission Structure

MoneySuperMarket will be changing this structure by the end of Q1-2021, and from April 2021 all transactions will be validated with a CPA model for all affiliates on the network.

Our standard rates will be:

  • Energy Single-switch: £4.01 CPA for every single switch application completed on-site
  • Energy Dual-switch: £10.01 CPA for every dual fuel switch application completed on-site

We also offer bespoke CPA rates to cashback, loyalty and voucher sites (for all product channels, except for pet insurance); as well as exclusive rates in exchange for extra exposure to any other type of affiliates. Please get in touch with us to obtain a copy of our rate card by affiliate type and/ or discuss further optimization opportunities.


Deduplication policy

  • All clicks to partner sites will be de-duplicated based on a last-click attribution model.
  • We operate a 1-day session window. Only click outs within this window will be validated.
  • MoneySuperMarket does not allow site scrapes.


Marketing Permissions

  • We do not allow any PPC bidding on the affiliate programme.
  • We do not allow any E-Mail Marketing on the affiliate programme.
  • Publishers are not authorised to advertise products that MoneySuperMarket are not actively promoting through the affiliate channel. The product channels that we currently promote through the affiliate channel and that our publishers are authorised to promote are Car Insurance, Home Insurance, Energy, Pet Insurance and Life Insurance. (The affiliate activity for travel insurance has been paused until further notice). MoneySuperMarket reserves the right to decline commissions on transactions when the promotion of other products has been done. 
  • We do not allow promotion through Facebook or social media platforms on the affiliate programme
  • Ensure the brand name is always represented as “MoneySuperMarket” (capital M_S_M).
  • Cashback and loyalty sites are permitted, but these partnerships require a bespoke tracking implementation, if you have an enquiry about this, please send us an email to


Domain Restrictions

Affiliates are not permitted to register and promote MoneySuperMarket through domains containing brand terms or misspellings.


Savings claims (Approved Copy)


Compare MoneySuperMarket’s best energy tariffs and switch in five minutes.


Savings updates (Approved copy) compliance policy

  • The ‘Savings Claims’ should not be listed as ‘offers’ but ‘Savings Claims’. This copy is to inform the users about the savings that they could obtain completing a quote or application through MoneSuperMarket.
  • We update these claims every three to four months, so please update the copy accordingly and stay alert of any communication update sent by email and affiliate programme profile. 
  • Please ensure that all substantiations are always visible to the user. 
  • Please do not alter the copy or landing pages.
  • Cashback, loyalty and affiliates on ‘testing phase’ require a bespoke deep-link. Any other affiliate will be able to create the deep-link using the deep link tool in the Awin platform. (Please see tracking and deep-link instructions above for more details)
  • If an affiliate is found in breach of any of the policies stated, this will result in immediate suspension pending further investigation. MoneySuperMarket reserves the right to decline commissions on transactions when any unauthorised activity is committed.


General compliance policy

  • We have a variety of assets and copy available within the UI and upon request. Please do not alter any of the creatives, copy and links available through the AWIN UI. Please, can affiliates ensure that all substantiations are visible to the user at all times. Affiliates are also requested not to hardcode banners into their sites, so that any creative updates take immediate effect. All creative updates should be in place on affiliate sites within 48 hours of the original notification.
  • If an affiliate is found in breach of any of the policices stated this will result in immediate suspension pending further investigation. MoneySuperMarket reserves the right to decline commissions on transactions when any unauthorised activity is committed.

Advertising Compliance:

The ASA CAP (Committee of Advertising Practice) Code applies to affiliate marketing, as per the following:

 The Code applies to:

•Advertisements and other marketing communications by or from companies, organisations or sole traders on their own websites, or in other non-paid-for space online under their control, that are directly connected with the supply or transfer of goods, services, opportunities and gifts, or which consist of direct solicitations of donations as part of their own fund-raising activities.

Affiliates should ensure that marketing is clear and that:

•Marketing communications must be obviously identifiable as such

•Marketing communications must not falsely claim or imply that the marketer is acting as a consumer or for purposes outside its trade, business, craft or profession; marketing communications must make clear their commercial intent, if that is not obvious from the context.

•Marketers and publishers must make clear that advertorials are marketing communications; for example, by heading them "advertisement feature".


It’s important to note that because affiliate marketing falls within the scope of the CAP code, that all the relevant rules will apply to the content, and therefore should not, amongst other things, mislead materially or cause serious or widespread offence.




If you have an enquiry about our compliance policies or how to develop a partnership with us, please send us an email to

If you have an enquiry about the Awin platform (tracking issues, pending commissions, TQ's, etc.) please email our AM to